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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Personal California Medical Insurance -- Use The Following Tips

If you must get huge discounts, then you must NOT forget certain things. I'll show you some of them here...

1. It's now generally known that smoking will attract higher rates. What people might not appreciate is that the same also applies if you use any other form of tobacco product. People who snuff or chew tobacco will also pay higher rates than those who don't

So, you will help yourself get more affordable rates if you stay away from tobacco use in any form.

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2. Group plans are more affordable than individual plans. Don't miss it if you're in a position that gives you the option to use a group plan as it generally implies that you'll pay less. This should be of special interest to elderly people, smokers or overweight persons who typically attract expensive quotes.

A group plan will save you a lot if you have a health condition that makes individual California health insurance either too costly or almost impossible to come by. A group plan is a simple way to lower your premium without lowering the quality of coverage you get.

3. Go for catastrophic California health insurance instead of the traditional policy if you rarely fall sick and you'll get cheaper rates. You are given coverage for those conditions or medical needs that may arise suddenly.

You will truly appreciate this policy if you ever are compelled to pay huge bills due to unforeseen ailments or accidents. That's the reason it's protection against catastrophic ailments or accidents. They are sold at very inexpensive rates.

But take note that it has deductibles that are as high as $2,000. Notwithstanding, you'll be happy to contribute such if your medical bills total as high as $50,000 which is where this plan truly excels.

4. A healthy lifestyle will get you cheaper rates. The quality of what you eat will in the long run have an effect on your rate. Cutting off fats, cholesterol and high carb from your diet makes it easier for you to keep up the ideal weight, live a healthier life and, as a consequence, get lower rates.

You will as well help your health and rate by going on regular exercise.

Affordable Health Insurance

5. Joining a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) is another way you can cut down on cost. But in contrast with an HMO, it leaves you more choices and consequently it's also generally more costly.

You can evaluate your needs and what you stand to save by either joining a PPO or regular California health insurance. If you want to make more saving but as well need more choices than is available with an HMO, then use a PPO.

6. If you find it quite difficult to buy a regular California health insurance plan, you may qualify for Medicaid. Eligibility rules differ with various states. Notwithstanding the differences in various states, Medicaid is for people that have low incomes. You can still be eligible even if you have a job.

It would help reduce your cost if you or any family member meets the criteria. You can verify whether you or yours are qualified from your state's Medicaid program.

Cheap Health Insurance

7. There are things that you would do well not to see a doctor about as it only adds to your health care cost without any real benefit. For instance, your doctor can really do nothing for someone who has a cold or viral infections. It's generally known that doctors can't do you much good if you have a viral infection.

If your doctor can't do anything about a health condition then I think it is not advisable to spend about $100 to see him or her. I also believe there are little home incidents that your first aid box will handle quite well.

It is better to know how to take care of simple home emergencies especially if you have kids. Learning a few little things and having a well-equipped first aid box will help you save a lot on unnecessary visits to a doctor.

But that said, it is better to err on the side of caution and go to a doctor if you're not certain. But, please, know your limits and know that there are situations you must refer to a doctor even if you know what to do. The law stops you from doing certain things if you're not a certified medical doctor. Handle what you should and let your doctor handle those he/she should. If you do this right you will pay less on California health insurance and also not endanger lives.
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