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Friday, October 30, 2009

California Healthcare Insurance -- 7 Tips To Reduce Cost

Are you interested in sure-fire ways to enjoy low rates for coverage that won't put you in trouble later? Then read through and use these well-proven tips for paying a lot less...

1. That extra weight will make you spend a lot in California health insurance. Your BMI or Body Mass Index is a very important factor used to define your risk to a California health insurance carrier.

The higher a person's BMI rating, the more expensive their premium will be. If your Body Mass Index rating is high it simply means that your weight is too much for your height. Now do not wait until when you can lose thirty pounds because shedding five pounds can reduce your Body Mass Index rating which will result in lower rates.

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2. Using tobacco in any form will increase your rates. People who snuff or chew tobacco will also get higher rates than those who don't

Therefore, you will help yourself attract lower rates if you avoid tobacco use in any form.

3. Believe it or not, your driving culture can have a negative effect on your California health insurance rate. If you have many speeding tickets or a history of street racing you will pay much more. The simple reason is that if you are such a driver, you will most likely require medical attention for crash related injuries than a very careful driver.

You'll lower your rates if you cultivate a the right attitude behind wheels. Sports cars and power bikes will raise your premium because they make you a higher risk. The simple reason remains that you raise the chances that you will make claims soon.

4. A low premium is is desirable but make sure you don't get beclouded by making it the only factor. What you want isn't necessarily the lowest quote but that which offers the best value for its price. If the cheapest price offers everything that is important to you, then go for it. Nevertheless, if you have to pay little more for the right coverage, then do so.

Low Cost Health Insurance

5. If you are the type that is rarely ever sick you'll make substantial savings by settling for catastrophic California health insurance instead. You get coverage for those conditions or medical needs that could arise suddenly.

The greatest advantage of this policy is where sudden diseases or accidents result in huge bills that could at best be called catastrophic. The name certainly does offer an idea of what it protects against. Catastrophic California health insurance premiums are normally very cheap.

Notwithstanding, the deductibles are usually as much as $2,000 but they are certainly worth it because you rarely fall sick and are protecting yourself in case a catastrophic sickness or accident happens.

6. There's a special kind of savings account known as the Flexible Spending Account. It's a type of savings account where you can put tax-free dollars for your health needs. Any money unused could be rolled over into the subsequent year (still tax free). You can build a big reserve of funds for your health needs tax-free if you open a Flexible Spending Account.

Cheap Health Insurance

7. You can reduce your rates by avoiding alcoholic beverages. Drinkers pay more for California health insurance.

Drinking is the root cause of a good number of health conditions and that is apart from the fact that it will also add to your risk to California health insurance companies.

How much alcohol would be harmful to you as an individual? I cannot advise you on that since I'm not specialized on such matters.

What I'm sure of is that avoiding drinking completely is very safe. So you can reduce your rates (Apart from reducing the likelihood of developing certain diseases) by avoiding alcohol if you can or drinking responsibly if you can't.

But I am told it is harder to drink in moderation than it is to give it up totally. You can be assisted if you really want to quit drinking.
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