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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Low Cost California Medical Insurance -- Steps To Help You Get It

Low cost California medical insurance is within easy reach for all who have received certain pieces of information. There are certain overlooked things that will go a long way in helping you get the right coverage at lower rates. Do you know those things? Let's look at a few here...

1. Those whose professions expose to hazards pay more expensive premiums. You will get cheaper rates if you leave a hazardous vocation for a non-hazardous one. Someone who works in a nuclear plant can't get similar rates with a clerk in the local bookshop.

2. Paying your premium annually will attract lower rates than choosing monthly payments. You may be told paying monthly is convenient but what you don't know is how much more you pay for this.

Each check that is processed attracts a fee. Over the course of a year, your monthly checks would be processed separately since they are all separate transactions. You will then have to pay the total of 12 transaction charges.

There are also administrative costs to your California medical insurance provider that are due to monthly payments. For example, it costs some money to mail payment notices each and every month.

These costs plus a profit margin for this feature is added to your rates making it higher than the same profile that pays yearly every year.

3. What amount do you accept to contribute out of your pocket each time you see the doctor? This is what is called your co-pay for those who don't know already. Your premium will be more affordable if you choose a higher co-pay. You're especially advised to choose a high co-pay if you see your doctor just once in a very long period.

4. It will cost you far less and lower your rates if you buy your prescriptions over the internet. Buying by telephone might as well get you lower prices. Companies who sell online have lower outlays than brick and mortar businesses and these means that they can and (do sell) at lower prices. Nevertheless, you will do well to check the company you're buying from so you don't put yourself at risk. Just visit BBB online and you'll know if you should buy from an exact company.
This is really very important as you don't want to endanger your life all in the name of trying to save money. Checking with BBB online and other such services will help you stay safe while you buy at cheaper prices online.

5. Electronic Funds Transfer, known as EFT is a simple way to bring down your rate. This authorizes your bank to credit your California medical insurer with your premiums without any intervention from you until you stipulate otherwise. This brings down administrative costs like those incurred when mailing payment notices. This is why this gets you cheaper premium.

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